Upgrade from v2.7 to v2.9

This version is no longer supported. An update to the latest available version should be performed.

If you are using a PureLife Cloud version prior to v2.3, first follow the steps to upgrade to version v2.3.


Follow the general instructions.


If you have customized the configuration files of your Docker installation, you can look at GitHub to see how the configuration has changed.

Follow the general instructions.

Important notes

Please read the following notes to benefit from new features in this version.

New Sensor Firmware

With this version, the new sensor firmware v0.38 is rolled out. To install the firmware on the sensors, it must be manually selected as the default firmware in the Admin menu in Firmware.

Optimization mode

If there is an existing internet connection, and it is possible according to data protection laws, the optimization mode should be activated for all sensors so that a sensitivity map can be generated.

If the Internet connection is not to be permanent, the optimization mode should be activated for at least 14 days.

Learning mode

After the installation location, positioning or room has changed, the learning phase should be started, as long as there is an Internet connection and this is possible in terms of data protection, so that a new sensitivity map can be generated.