Upgrade from v2.4 to v2.5
This version is no longer supported. An update to the latest available version should be performed.
If you are using a PureLife Cloud version prior to v2.3, first follow the steps to upgrade to version v2.3.
1. Follow the general instructions.
If you have customized the configuration files of your Docker installation, you can look at GitHub to see how the configuration has changed.
- Follow the general instructions to step 4 (inclusive).
- Delete the old containers, images and networks (if they are not used elsewhere!)
docker rm postgres_plc purelife-cloud mosquitto_plc
docker rmi postgres:14.6-alpine ghcr.io/puresecgmbh/purelife-cloud:2.4.0 iegomez/mosquitto-go-auth:latest-mosquitto_2.0.14
3. Continue with the general instructions.