
This section describes how to install an upgrade from the PureLife Cloud. We regularly release new versions with improvements, bug fixes and new features, and therefore always recommend using the latest PureLife Cloud version.

It may be necessary to read the supplemental manual between certain versions in addition to this manual.


1. Download the latest available version of the PureLife Cloud for your platform and copy them to the temporary files directory on the computer. Delete any files left from the last installation.

2. Change your terminal to the directory for temporary files

cd /tmp

3. Unzip the archive

tar -xf purelife-cloud*.gz
rm purelife-cloud*.gz

4. Stop the PureLife Cloud service

sudo systemctl stop purelife-cloud.service

5. Create a backup copy of the PureLife Cloud directory

cd /home
sudo cp -ra pureuser/ pureuser-back-$(date +'%F-%H-%M')/

6. You should also create a backup copy of the current database

pg_dump -Fc dbname | gzip > dbname-$(date +'%F-%H-%M').gz

7. Then switch to the user running the PureLife Cloud instance

sudo su - pureuser

8. Replace the old purelife-cloud file with the new one from the temporary directory

mv /tmp/purelife-cloud-{version} ./purelife-cloud
./purelife-cloud -v

9. Update and validate the configuration

./purelife-cloud config update
./purelife-cloud config validate

10. Start the PureLife Cloud service

sudo systemctl start purelife-cloud.service


Individual adjustments to configurations, parameters and paths must be taken into account as part of an upgrade. The changes introduced by an upgrade must be adopted and adapted to the individual environment so that the system can continue to run after an upgrade.

1. Change to the purelife-cloud-docker directory

cd {install_path}

2. Stop the currently running Docker instance

docker-compose down

3. Back up your mounted volumes to protect your data

cd ../
sudo cp -ra purelife-cloud-docker purelife-cloud-docker-back-$(date +'%F-%H-%M')/
cd purelife-cloud-docker

4. Download the latest files from the GitHub repository and overwrite the old ones

git pull

5. Start Docker

docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d