
Requirements for installing the PureLife Cloud.

This section is about installing the PureLife Cloud on a system that is not operated by PureSec GmbH.

A software license is required to install the PureLife Cloud on your own system. To obtain this and to clarify sales aspects, please contact your contact person at PureSec.

The PureLife Cloud itself can be deployed for different operating systems and architectures, however, when setting up the production environment we only provide support for the x64 architecture and the Linux/Debian (oldstable/stable/testing) operating system, with or without Docker.

Supported Operating System

The following operating systems are supported by PurLife Cloud. Deployment of additional operating systems or instruction set architectures is available upon request.



Instruction set architecture


At least kernel v4.19

x64, x86, arm, arm64


At least Windows 10 or Server 2016

x64, x86, arm, arm64


macOS 10.15 or later

x64, x86, arm, arm64 (M1)


At least 12

x64, x86, arm, arm64


Last stable version

x64, x86, arm, arm64

Personal requirements

This assumes that the person entrusted with the installation meets the following requirements:

  • Basic network knowledge (IP, DNS etc.)
  • Basic Linux knowledge
  • If TLS is to be used, any certificates must be procured and integrated yourself
  • Docker knowledge is required to use Docker

Firmware compatibility

Periodically, new firmware versions are released that improve the performance of the sensors, add new functions, or extend the configurability. It may be that certain requirements are made of the PureLife Cloud, which must be implemented.

In the table below you will find an overview of which sensor firmware version with which PureLife Cloud version is compatible. The cloud itself is backward compatible and also supports older versions.


PureLife Cloud

 < v0.34

 < v1.1

 >= v0.36

 >= v1.1

 >= v0.37

 >= v2.2

 >= v0.38

 >= v2.6

 >= v0.40

 >= v2.12