Telegram Bot

The PureLife Cloud can use Telegram as a messaging service to inform the user about situations that have occurred. In order for the PureLife Cloud instance to be able to communicate via Telegram, a Telegram Bot must be created and its token stored in the config.toml.

How to create a Telegram bot?

See the Telegram documentation for this.

To create a bot, only use the BotFather and no other bot (e.g. ManyBot)

Set-up in the configuration file

In order for the PureLife Cloud instance to be able to communicate via the created bot, the Telegram Publisher must be activated and the token of the created bot must be stored in the config.toml.

# volumes/config/config.toml

    # Activates the telegram publisher.
    Enabled = true

    # Token, of the Telegram bot which should be used.
    # To get a token, see the Telegram documentation.
    Token = "0123456789:SoMeRaNdOmToKeNcReAtEdByTeLeGrAmSbOtFaThEr"

After changing the configuration, the PureLife Cloud instance must be restarted.