
The Room tab can only be accessed and edited with the Edit sensor area permission.

In the room tab, the room is configured and regions are created, if necessary.



Different parameters are available depending on the mounting location. The dimensions must correspond to the actual room so that the sensor works correctly and no false alarms occur. It is advisable to define the room 10 to 20 centimeters smaller than it actually is in order to rule out possible interference from the wall.

Mounting locations
Mounting locations

Adjusting the dimensions will cause the outlined space to increase or decrease on the web page. This is intended to give a feeling for the detection area of the sensor.

Room size
Room size


This is the standard mounting of a sensor on the wall at a height of 1.5 meters. The classic and simplest type of installation, but with the disadvantage that falls behind larger objects (e.g., table, sofa or bed) may not be reliably detected.

When mounting on the wall, make sure that the power cable runs down towards the floor and that the sensor is not rotated by 90° or 180°. For this purpose, the sensor has a marking on the back, which side has to point upwards.

It is attached with adhesive or Velcro pads on the side with the identification sticker. The colored Vayyar logo must face forward and be visible when standing in front of the sensor.

The unit must be mounted completely flat against the wall.



Height above ground

Specification of the mounting height of the sensor above the floor. The default value is 1.5 meters. For correct functioning of the sensor, it should be mounted at a height of 1.5 meters above the floor.


Length of room from sensor to opposite wall. The distance must not exceed 4 meters.


Distance from the sensor to the left wall. The distance must not exceed 2 meters. The sum of the distances to the left and right wall must not exceed 4 meters.


Distance from the sensor to the right wall. The distance must not exceed 2 meters. The sum of the distances to the right and left wall must not exceed 4 meters.

To enter the length information, it is advisable to imagine that you are behind the sensor and are looking at the type plate / the Velcro strips. The power cable goes down to the floor, the button points up to the ceiling.

After changing options and values, save the page (at the bottom) so that the new settings are transmitted to the sensor. The transfer may take a few seconds.


For the best possible detection, it is important that the sensor is mounted correctly. The sensor must have a clear view of the room and can also better detect falls behind larger objects (e.g. table, sofa or bed). It should be positioned as close to the center of the room as possible, but at least 60 cm from ceiling fans, lights, smoke detectors, or any other overhead device or object. These can impede the range of the sensor or interfere with its radio waves.

Mounting on the ceiling with adhesive or Velcro pads is done on the side with the identification sticker. The colored Vayyar logo must face down and be visible when standing under the sensor.

The unit must be mounted perfectly flat against the ceiling.



Height above ground

Specification of the mounting height of the sensor above the floor. The default is 3.0 meters. For the sensor to function correctly, this value should be in the range of 2.3 to 3.0 meters and the sensor should be mounted at this height above the floor.

Direction button

Length of distance from the sensor button end to the nearest wall. The distance must not exceed 2 meters. The sum of the distances towards the button and towards the cable must not exceed 4 meters.

Direction cable

Length of distance from sensor cable end to nearest wall. The distance must not exceed 2 meters. The sum of the distances towards the cable and towards the button must not exceed 4 meters.

Left of the cable

Distance from the sensor to the wall on the left side of the cable. The distance must not exceed 2.5 meters. The sum of the distances to the left and right wall must not exceed 5 meters.

Right of the cable

Distance from the sensor to the wall on the right side of the cable. The distance must not exceed 2.5 meters. The sum of the distances to the right and left wall must not exceed 5 meters.

To enter the length information, it is advisable to imagine that you are behind the sensor and are looking at the type plate / the Velcro strips. The 4 directions (button, cable, left of the cable and right of the cable) form the axes of a coordinate system. The sensor is the starting point.

After changing options and values, save the page (at the bottom) so that the new settings are transmitted to the sensor. The transfer may take a few second

Ceiling 45°

For the best possible detection, it is important that the sensor is mounted correctly. In this case at 45° degrees to better reach the corners of the room. The sensor must have a clear view of the room and can also better detect falls behind larger objects (e.g. table, sofa or bed). It should be positioned as close to the center of the room as possible, but at least 60 cm from ceiling fans, lights, smoke detectors, or any other overhead device or object. These can impede the range of the sensor or interfere with its radio waves.

Mounting on the ceiling with adhesive or Velcro pads is done on the side with the identification sticker. The colored Vayyar logo must face down and be visible when standing under the sensor.

The unit must be mounted perfectly flat against the ceiling.

Detection area
Detection area



Height above ground

Specification of the mounting height of the sensor above the floor. The default is 3.0 meters. For the sensor to function correctly, this value should be in the range of 2.3 to 3.0 meters and the sensor should be mounted at this height above the floor.

Direction button

Length of distance from the sensor button end to the nearest wall. The distance must not exceed 2 meters. The sum of the distances towards the button and towards the cable must not exceed 4 meters.

Direction cable

Length of distance from sensor cable end to nearest wall. The distance must not exceed 2 meters. The sum of the distances towards the cable and towards the button must not exceed 4 meters.

Left of the cable

Distance from the sensor to the wall on the left side of the cable. The distance must not exceed 2.5 meters. The sum of the distances to the left and right wall must not exceed 5 meters.

Right of the cable

Distance from the sensor to the wall on the right side of the cable. The distance must not exceed 2.5 meters. The sum of the distances to the right and left wall must not exceed 5 meters.

To enter the length information, it is advisable to imagine that you are behind the sensor and are looking at the type plate / the Velcro strips. The 4 directions (button, cable, left of the cable and right of the cable) form the axes of a coordinate system. The sensor is the starting point.

After changing options and values, save the page (at the bottom) so that the new settings are transmitted to the sensor. The transfer may take a few seconds.

Advanced settings

Additional settings can be defined for the room.



Enter Duration

Time to detect a presence in the room. Specification in seconds.

Exit Duration

Time until an absence in the room is detected. Specification in seconds.

The default value for the Enter Duration and Exit Duration parameters is 120 seconds.

Lowering the values to 60 seconds can work in some cases and without too many false positives. However, this must be checked in every room and every situation.

Decreasing the values to 30 seconds (or less) is intended to be done for testing purposes only, to quickly demonstrate a changed status.

Both specifications are not recommended for reliable productive use.


Up to 6 regions can be defined. The orange point at the lower right corner of a region serves as a point of reference for positioning the regions in space.

Point of reference
Point of reference

Regions should not overlap / overlap if possible, so that false reports are avoided. If overlays / overlaps are necessary and the fall and presence detection are defined differently, then the exclusion of the detection is rated more strongly than the inclusion. This is evaluated by the sensor.

Regions cannot be outside of space.

The regions can be used in the rules to report the occurrence of situations.




Name of the region.


Type of region. Depending on the type, predefined parameters are set.


Latitude of the region


Length of the region.


Deviation on the x-axis from the center of the sensor. Positive value to the right, negative value to the left.


Deviation on the y-axis of the sensor. Positive value to the front, negative value to the back.


Specification is determined automatically and is only used for checking.


Specification is determined automatically and is only used for checking.

Fall detection

This option enables fall detection for this region.
Note: Fall detection should be turned off for a “bed” or “sofa” region.

Presence detection

This option enables presence detection for this region.

Kind of region

One kind can be defined for each region. When a region type is selected, parameters are set according to the manufacturer's specifications and can no longer be changed.




It is any region. All parameters can be set individually.


There is a bed in the region. Fall detection is switched off and the presence detection parameters are adjusted so that even slight movement is detected.


The region defines a door. This causes another event to be displayed as soon as the resident crosses the door region of the room and moves away from it (either by leaving or entering the room).


There is a sofa or armchair in the area. Fall detection is switched off and the presence detection parameters are adjusted so that even slight movement is detected.

Bath region

There is a bathtub or shower in the region. The presence detection parameters are adjusted.

Advanced settings

Advanced settings can be defined for the region.




Lowest elevation of the region measured from the ground.


Top elevation of the region measured from the ground.

Enter Duration

Time to detect a presence in the region. Specification in seconds

Exit duration

Time to detect an absence in the region. Specification in seconds.


In regions where a person can sit or lie down, the parameter should be activated.

Resting area

This option defines whether the region can be used as a resting area. This increases the sensitivity of the sensor to detect small movements.

The default value for the Enter Duration and Exit Duration parameters is 120 seconds.

Lowering the values to 60 seconds can work in some cases and without too many false positives. However, this must be checked in every room and every situation.

Decreasing the values to 30 seconds (or less) is intended to be done for testing purposes only, to quickly demonstrate a changed status.

Both specifications are not recommended for reliable productive use.

After changing options and values, save the page (at the bottom) so that the new settings are transmitted to the sensor. The transfer may take a few seconds.