
The Configuration tab can only be accessed and edited with the Basic sensor configuration or Advanced sensor configuration permission.

In the configuration tab, specific settings for fall and presence detection, as well as other areas, can be adjusted. These areas are divided into different categories and grouped together thematically.

Overview of the sections
Overview of the sections

After changing options and values, save the page (at the bottom) so that the new settings are transmitted to the sensor. The transfer may take a few seconds. The options available depend on the firmware version installed on the sensor.

Basic configuration




Name of the sensor, for identification by the user.

Optimization mode

Controls optimization mode for passing information to the vendor.

Learning phase

Required to create a sensitivity map.

Test mode

When the test mode is activated, falls are taken into account as such when the sensitivity map is created.
It is recommended to activate the test mode for installations in model apartments or similar.


Volume of the alarm sound by the sensor when a fall is detected.
If the learning phase is active, there is no signaling via the alarm sound.

LED mode

Activates or deactivates the LED on the sensor.

Falling mitigator

Activates an alternative fall detection algorithm. It uses machine learning to reduce false alarm rates by up to 50%. It may also have a reduction of up to 5% in real fall detections.

Optimization mode

Optimization mode ensures that telemetry and log forwarding to the vendor takes place. The forwarding takes place from the cloud instance. In the case of technical support (e.g. the creation of a sensitivity map) by the vendor, it may be necessary for them to receive this information.

Learning phase

In the learning phase, the sensor learns the room and sends information to optimize detection. The learning phase lasts 14 days. As long as the learning phase is not completed, the recognition result may be worse. After completion of the learning phase, a sensitivity map adapted to the room and sensor is created. After changing the room configuration, the learning phase must be restarted. This option is only available when optimization mode is turned on. If the learning phase is active, there is no signaling via the sound in the event of a fall.

Dry contact

Dry contact or potential-free contact.



Leave bed enabled

If activated, there is a special event about getting out of bed (region 0).

Primary function

Defines on which event the primary dry contact should be triggered.

Primary mode

Defines the mode in which the primary dry contact operates.

Secondary function

Defines on which event the secondary dry contact should trigger.

Secondary mode

Defines the mode in which the secondary dry contact operates. Feature will be available in the future.

Activation duration

The time that the dry contact will be activated when a fall is detected




Enable updates

Enables or disables automatic software update over WiFi (OTA).

Firmware version

Selection of the firmware version to be installed on the sensor.

Log level

Determines which messages are saved in the log. The default is About. Changes should only be made after consultation with PureSec.




Telemetry Strategy

Telemetry data is required for troubleshooting and analysis and must be sent to the vendor in the event of problems. It is not recommended to permanently enable telemetry as it will result in high data usage. Changes should only be made after consultation with PureSec.

Transmission of the telemetry da

This option defines the transmission protocol of the telemetry data. The default value is MQTT QoS 1. Changes should only be made after consultation with PureSec.

Danger zone

The Danger zone tab can only be accessed and edited with the Administrator permission.



Report falls

Enables or disables the transmission of fall reports from the sensor to the PureLife Cloud.

Demo mode

If activated, the intervals of the individual fall phases are reduced. Should not be activated in productive use, but only for customer demonstrations.

Sensitive mode

Enables or disables the detection of falls with a small height difference (must be activated to use the rule “Someone has fallen (high sensitivity)”).

Sensitivity level

Suspected fall events with a confidence level that is above this threshold are considered human falls.

Minimum events for the decision

This value determines how many consecutive detections of a person detected on the ground must occur in order to trigger the alarm.

Number of detections

This value defines how many of these detections must meet the sensitivity level to trigger the alert.

Falling sensitivity

This value defines the sensitivity for detecting a fall. The default is Standard.

Duration until confirm

Is the time the sensor remains in the detected state before it changes to the confirmed state.

Time until alert

Controls how long the sensor waits before reporting a fall.

Alert duration

Controls how long the alarm lasts after a fall. Is the time the sensor waits before it changes from calling to finished.

Send presence events

Activates or deactivates the transmission of presence reports from the sensor to the PureLife Cloud.

Presence message interval

The interval in seconds determines when periodic presence notifications are sent to the cloud. These messages are in addition to the presence messages that are sent when there is a status change.

Offline mode

If offline mode is activated, the device no longer restarts after 5 minutes to restore the connection after the connection to the cloud is disconnected. The device will reboot for OTA at the next scheduled reboot. If an MQTT hook has been set and the hook’s MQTT broker is reachable, the sensor continues to send events to it.

Door event detection

The device indicates a target entering/exiting the arena monitored. This requires an additional subregion for the door. To use this function, a region must be declared as a door region.

Bed exit enabled

When enabled, the dry contact is triggered when leaving region 0. The sensor also sends additional events. To use this function, a region must be declared as a bed region.

Bring to operating temperature

Brings the sensor up to operating temperature during the starting process.

AGC enabled

Explanation pending.

DSP record reporting

Explanation pending.

Tracker target policy

Explanation pending.

Enable analytics

This option served earlier developments.

Radar mode

Explanation pending.


This value defines the maximum height of a person.


This value defines the minimum height of a person.

Sensitivity maps

Allows management of sensitivity maps.

Falling sensitivity

The sensor’s fall detection algorithm is based on the height transition during the fall. By default, the “centre of gravity” of the monitored person before the fall must be at a height of at least 120 cm so that the sensor can detect and report the fall.

There are situations when the center of gravity of 120 cm before the fall is too high. When fall sensitivity is set to High, the sensor can detect falls as low as 70 cm. Examples are sitting low on a chair or on a bed.

It is advisable to set the fall sensitivity to “High” in rooms where there is a high risk of falling with little height transition.

Note: High fall sensitivity results in fewer missed falls but at the same time an increase in false alarms (up to 50% more false alarms). Therefore, a change should be discussed with us beforehand.

Offline mode

The behavior of the device when the connection to the cloud is lost depends on the device type:

Sensor Type A: If the connection is interrupted and a fall occurs within five minutes of the interruption, this fall is retained in the device’s memory. Once the device can reconnect, the saved alarm for that fall will be sent. The device can only store one fall in memory. So the last fall within the first 5 minutes after the interruption is the fall that will be sent once the device is reconnected to the cloud. If a fall occurs more than 5 minutes after the interruption, it will not be saved and will not be sent later when the connection is restored.

Sensor Type C: If the connection is interrupted and a fall occurs, the fall alarm for the device continues to function as usual via the potential-free contact. Losing the connection will not trigger a reboot, but the scheduled reboot every 24 hours for OTA will occur. If the connection is still lost after restarting the device, the device will no longer be able to detect falls.