
Answers to frequently asked questions about the cloud.

The FAQ about the sensor can be found here.

How I can get support?

Please write an e-mail to us with our concern support@puresec.de

How to configure Telegram?

Have a look to the Publisher documentation to find an instruction.

What room dimensions does the sensor cover?

This depends on the sensor and the installation location. Check the information in the following overview.

Can the webhook interface be used with a local instance of the PureLife Cloud?

Yes, all the functions that our cloud also provides are available.

I would like to be informed about an IP interface. How can this be set up?

We have created a webhook interface to transmit the different events and situations.

How can the webhook interface be used?

There are two ways the webhook interface can be used.

  1. Account-Bot

This webhook is defined as a bot. This bot is then used in rules to notify of certain situations or states. This type is the most commonly used.

Here you can specify in which rule for which sensor this webhook should be used. When rules are created for specific situations, only the information for the affected rules is sent via webhook. All other events sent by the sensor are ignored.

  1. Customer

No user/bot is used here, instead the webhook is linked to the customer. Only an administrator of the system can make this configuration.

At this level there is no further definition of which sensor the webhook should be used for. When a customer-level webhook is created, all events from all of the customer’s sensors are always sent unfiltered to the webhook. That is about 3000 events per sensor and day.

Is it a malfunction if I frequently see “Detected”-“Exit” events?

The frequent change between detected and exit is not a problem for the sensor, nor is it necessarily an indication of a malfunction/incorrect configuration. This change only means that a situation to be examined more closely has occurred (Detected). However, there is no confirmation from the sensor, so the process is ended (Exit). There are installations where the sensor determines several hundred detected and exit changes per day. However, we could not determine an impairment of the fall detection, nor was this confirmed by the vendor.

When do “Confirmed” and “Calling” events occur?

If the sensor has checked a situation to be examined more closely and its routines return a confirmation as a result, then a Confirmed event is sent. Then there should always be a Calling event. This is then only obligatory and triggers the “emergency call”. The confirmation that the sensor is sure that a fall has occurred is achieved with the confirmed event.

Why do the “inactive” and “active” messages appear?

The sensor sends a status event every 60 seconds. If this is absent for 2 minutes, the sensor is interpreted as inactive.

An unstable WiFi connection of the sensor or a poor internet connection can lead to the loss of the status event.

Vayyar: The sensor also restarts itself every 24 hours. If the start and registration process takes longer than 2 minutes, the sensor is also interpreted as inactive.

What is the behavior of overlapping regions?

For overlapping regions, the exclusion of falls/presence is rated stronger than the inclusion of falls/presence. This is evaluated by the sensor.

Can a new account be created for test purposes or a proof-of-concept (PoC)?

Yes, we can create a custom customer and corresponding login(s) for testing and demonstration. Get in touch with your contact person at PureSec.

Numerical values are given on the heatmap. What do these mean?

The number displayed within a box indicates how many events with corresponding coordinate information the sensor has sent in the set period of time.

As an example: The value 100 is in a field and 2 days were selected as the period. This means that in the last 2 days the sensor has received 100 events containing these exact coordinates.

The value does not provide any information about how long the person stayed at this position, but how often the person was seen by the sensor at this position.

What does “Learning phase continue” mean under the configuration settings?

The learning phase is only available if it has not yet been completed. Either it was stopped manually prematurely or the sensor is inactive.

Does “start learning phase” mean that it has not been carried out yet?

Learning phase start is available once this has been completed.