The Configuration tab can only be accessed and edited with the Basic sensor configuration or Advanced sensor configuration permission.

In the configuration tab, specific settings for fall, presence and vital data detection, as well as other areas, can be adjusted. These areas are divided into different categories and grouped thematically there.

Overview of the sections
Overview of the sections

After changing options and values, save the page (at the bottom) so that the new settings are transmitted to the sensor. The transfer may take a few seconds. The options available depend on the firmware version installed on the sensor.

Basic configuration




Name of the sensor, for identification by the user.

Fall detection



Time until alert

Controls how long the sensor waits before reporting a fall. A low value can lead to false alarms, which the algorithm can cancel with a higher value. It is recommended not to change this value!

Posture detection

With this option, the sensor detects the posture of the person.

Sitting-on-ground alarm

If this option is enabled, actions on the ground will be alerted. This may lead to false alarms.

Sitting-on-ground alarm time

Controls how long the sensor waits before reporting an alarm. A low value can lead to false alarms, which the algorithm can cancel with a higher value. It is recommended not to change this value!

Vital data



Normal Respiratory Rate

This range of values ​​defines the normal breathing rate. The configuration is only intended for creating a sleep report and not for detecting and alerting problematic conditions.

Normal Heart Rate

This range of values ​​defines the normal heart rate. The configuration is only intended for creating a sleep report and not for detecting and alerting problematic conditions.

Detection of deviating vital data

If this option is active, the sensor detects different vital data. This means that no breathing or heart rate is detected.

Detect duration threshold

This time in minutes determines how long the detection time should be for detecting deviating vital data.


This value in percent determines how accurate the sensitivity of the detection should be.