PureLife Cloud v2.3.0

 by  Florian Vogt  and  Picture of Felix KerberFelix Kerber

Version 2.3.0 is here. Bug fixes, more languages, new defaults

Sensor firmware v0.37.29

Sensor firmware v0.37.29 is supplied with the PureLife Cloud v2.3.0 and is set as the standard version for new installations. For existing installations, this sensor firmware can either be set individually in the sensor configuration or also defined as a standard version in the admin section.

New defaults

With the release of the sensor firmware v0.37 by the manufacturer Vayyar, there are changed standard values and recommendations. The new default values are applied with PureLife Cloud v2.3.0. There are no changes to existing sensors and the current configuration.


Excerpt from the dashboard in Italian
Excerpt from the dashboard in Italian

The front end is now almost entirely available in English, German, French and new in Italian and Spanish. The texts that have not yet been translated will be translated with the next release.


  • The sidebar icons for displaying the activity status of the sensor has been changed for better detection in case of red-green weakness.
  • Constant revision of PureLife Cloud documentation and fixes after exchange with manufacturer Vayyar.
    • New section ‘Videos’ showing and explaining how the sensor works and how to use and wire it.


  • Fix: The enterDuration and exitDuration can now be given a value up to 300 seconds.
  • Fix: Adjustment of recommended room height for ceiling installation.
  • Fix: Bot already exists if name contains a space
  • Fix: Sensor configuration telemetry option corrected
  • Fix: Panic when registering a sensor for the first time.
  • Fix: Page of sensors logs can now be scrolled.

Fixes in Version 2.3.1

Fix: Docker healthcheck fails because curl was not installed for the Docker image.