PureLife Cloud v2.11.0

 by  Picture of Felix KerberFelix Kerber  and  Florian Vogt

Version 2.11.0 is here. Internationalization, delete sensors, revision of forms, advanced settings and bug fixes

New function


With this release, users and bots can set their language through the setting. The language selection is saved permanently and not just for the browser session.

Available language selection
Available language selection

Emails and Telegram messages are now sent in the language of the respective user. The webhook descriptions are now sent in the bot’s language.

The CLI and system emails are sent in the system language (language of the operating system on which the PureLife Cloud (instance) is installed).

Delete sensors

Inactive sensors can now be deleted from the system with the Sensor Management permission and as Administrator.

When a sensor is deleted, all associated events, rules, configurations, sensitivity maps, rule log and audit entries are also removed.

Delete sensor
Delete sensor

PureLife Care Mobile app download

In the front end, the PureLife Care Mobile App is now linked for download instead of the Vapro App.

PureLife Care Mobile App Download
PureLife Care Mobile App Download


The customer and user forms have been revised. Special attention was paid to the email address field. This will no longer be accepted without a top-level domain. In addition, a domain must always be specified.

To simplify orientation during room editing, the sensor’s power cable is indicated in the sketch.

Sensor cable
Sensor cable

Storage period for events per customer

Users with the Manage customers permission can adjust the storage duration of the sensor events via the customer configuration, which differs from the system default.

Storage duration of events
Storage duration of events

Sensitivity map and learning mode

If learning mode is activated, with this version the currently active sensitivity map is deactivated and the sensor is automatically restarted so that it no longer uses the sensitivity map in use.

After changing the room (not regions), you will now be asked whether learning mode should be started. This is recommended so that the sensor learns the changed space and a new sensitivity map is created.

If regions are changed in the sketch, the changes are now displayed live in the form.

Firmware selection in firmware tab

The selection of firmware to install on the sensor has been moved to the firmware tab.

Select firmware
Select firmware

Weak Wi-Fi signal warning

When you open the sensor’s data tab, a warning will appear if the Wi-Fi signal is weak. The display is not permanently updated. If the Wi-Fi signal is in the good range, no warning is displayed.

The current status of the Wi-Fi signal can be accessed by mouse-over.

Wi-Fi warning
Wi-Fi warning

Rule variables

The variables for outputting time and dates have been thinned out and some have been renamed. The old functions will remain for a while.


  • The date selection in the heatmap shows a better preview of which area will be selected.
  • When opening the date selection of the heatmap, the end date is now always displayed.
  • A warning icon is displayed if the advanced room settings have been changed to a non-recommended value.
  • There is a confirmation dialog before editing the extended region configuration.


  • Security: #1699
  • Fix: Telemetry is only sent when optimization mode is enabled.
  • Fix: The region error message is incorrect.
  • Fix: Regions can now only be enlarged up to the room walls.
  • Fix: After saving the room, values are sometimes set to 0.
  • Fix: Incorrect error message when loading events runs in a timeout.
  • Fix: Frontend error messages are sometimes not displayed.
  • Fix: The Telegram feedback buttons are faded out too quickly.
  • Fix: Pagination of the event table is not translated correctly.
  • Fix: The pagination of the event table does not show which page you are on.
  • Fix: Sensor events cannot be deleted via the frontend.
  • Fix: When opening events, they are loaded twice.
  • Fix: The rule log loads very slowly with a high number of rule hits.
  • Fix: The sensor cable is now indicated when editing rooms.
  • Fix: Regions can be mirrored when scaling.
  • Fix: Text of the dialog for changing the WLAN adjusted and expanded.

For our self-hosted customers

The user and customer name of the respective user are now displayed in the admin user overview. The list of users can also be searched.

User search in the admin area
User search in the admin area

Storage period for events

The default duration for storing sensor events can be changed via the admin dashboard. The default value for the storage period is 6 months. Available to choose from

  • 1 week
  • 1 month
  • 3 months
  • 6 months

Events are now deleted daily and no longer weekly.

Default storage duration
Default storage duration

Advanced settings

With this version, there are new system settings, which can be found in the admin area under Configuration. These settings determine

  • whether the optimization mode should be automatically activated or deactivated for new sensors.
  • whether after adjusting the room dimensions you should be asked whether the learning phase should be started.
  • whether the push rules should be created automatically as customer rules.
Advanced settings
Advanced settings

Fixes in version 2.11.1

  • Fix: Adjustments to translations.
  • Fix: User password can no longer be changed.
  • Fix: Clicking on hyperlinks of a sensor note opens editor mode.
    • Sensor note hyperlinks now open in a new tab.
  • Fix: Error message after deleting a sensor.