PureLife Cloud v2.1.0

 by  Florian Vogt  and  Picture of Felix KerberFelix Kerber

Version 2.1 is here. Better event processing, MQTT authentication, English documentation, Vapro app download and much more.

Better event processing

A sensor is now immediately marked as offline after resetting.

Event view with inactive event
Event view with inactive event

MQTT authentication

The PureLife Cloud now handles the MQTT authentication. This requires firmware version > v0.36 on the sensor. For firmware version < v0.36, the access data must be stored directly with the MQTT broker.

The password is reassigned each time the sensor registers. If a factory reset occurs, the access data will be deleted again. The MQTT credentials can be extended or deleted via the CLI.

English now

We are actively working to make the PureLife Cloud accessible to non-German speaking users as well. For this purpose, parts of the user interface have already been translated into English and the translation is to be expanded further. We are preparing to offer the PureLife Cloud in other languages as well.

Selection of available languages
Selection of available languages

The PureLife Cloud documentation, i.e. this user manual, is now completely available in English. Additions and extensions will be made available directly in German and English in the future.

Vapro app download

The latest PureLife Cloud Vapro App for provisioning the sensor can now be downloaded directly from the data tab in the dashboard. This Vapro app connects the sensor to the PureLife Cloud at vayyar-cloud.smart-altern.de. When using your own PureLife Cloud instance, the Vapro Pro app is required. Please contact us.

Vapro download in the data tab
Vapro download in the data tab

The Vapro app is not suitable for self-hosted instances.

New Docker image

A new Docker image was created for our self-hosted customers, which includes a current PureLife Cloud instance provides.

Under the hood

The web front end has been adjusted so that smaller files can be delivered and in particular the time up to first advertisement could be shortened. Also, major libraries have been replaced to improve the user experience.

Improved loading time
Improved loading time

Other changes

  • Introducing i18n to the webapp
  • Replaced DayJs with date-fns
  • Update of dependencies
  • Replaced the cache library in the store
  • Websocket authentication replaced by challenge-response procedures
  • Extended configuration and server so that CORS headers can be sent
  • Program code of the future mobile app has been moved to a separate library


  • Fix: Optimized links to helpful information in the documentation.
  • Fix: Sensors sometimes no longer send a timestamp with status events.